Farm Insurance
Cultivating Security: Business Farms Insurance in Minnesota
Family-owned business farms are the backbone of Minnesota and Wisconsin’s agricultural sector. They drive the local economies of the towns they serve and beyond. Farm insurance is evolving to meet the needs of a growing diverse population with new nontraditional farming products and agritainment options.

Understanding Business Farms Insurance Coverage
Business farms insurance in Minnesota includes various coverages, such as:
Property Insurance
Protection for farm buildings, equipment, and livestock against damage or loss.
Implementing Safety Protocols
Ensuring safe working conditions for farm workers to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
Workers Compensation Coverage
Provides coverage for all full time employees and seasonal hires against injuries while working on the farm
Crop Insurance
Coverage for crop failure due to natural disasters, pests, or adverse weather conditions.
Onsite Inspection & Loss Control
We make sure your farm is rated correctly for your operation and that your building and equipment are insured properly.
Liability Insurance
Shielding against third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage on the farm premises is essential. To mitigate potential risks, business farms implement various risk management strategies, including:
Many Optional Endorsements
Each farming operation is unique, so to is the availability of customized options to meet your unique needs